sábado, 27 de noviembre de 2010

Midwifery and technologies

Hi everyone!

Today I will write about use of the technologic within my area. Well, first of all I have to say that I study midwifery in the Universidad de Chile and I considered that this career is very important and relevant in our country in the actually.
For start I will write an introduction about midwifery career. In this opportunity you may have a big question this is what is the midwife labour? well now I will answer your question.
The midwifery is a career related with the pregnancy, anticonception, delivery and the care babies. The midwife is a health professional that work with the woman in all stage of here life since her childbirth to the adult life. The midwife is a professional very important in the pregnancy control, because in this period is very important give the information to mother about the different changes in her body and the different cares that must have for pregnancy.
In the midwifery the technologic is very usefull for detect some changes important in the pregnancy like the place of insertion placenta, the development fetus, the size of fetus, the tall of fetus, the state of the umbilical cord, the weight of fetus and for evaluate the correct amount of liquid amniotic. The technologic method for evaluate this aspect is the ecography.
The pregnant woman should take one ecography each trimester to evaluate the development of pregnancy and the state of the fetus. Is very important to include the father in all the pregnancy, because the presence of both parents is necessary to development of the attachment among the baby and his parents.

The technologic is very important in my future job with pregnant woman, because is necessary to control the development of the pregnancy and to evaluate the state of the mother. Also is very important use the technologic to detect congenital malformations in the fetus and anomalies in the position of the fetus.
In my opinion I think that my career is a very interesting career in the world and I think that the people should know the importance of the midwife.
I hope that you considered interesting my article about my career.

martes, 16 de noviembre de 2010

Hi I am going to talk about a concert that I went and the reasons why I like the band, and some other stuff. Ok here I go:
Last week I went to a concert was a linkin park concert. It was such an amazing experience. It was my first time that I saw Linkin Park in live, and they were awesome, the sound, the guitars, and God! the drum was pretty awesome!. My best friend was there too. She made the concert even more awesome than alredy was. I have liked linkin park since I was eight years old. I remember that my mom did not like linkin park at all, because I was a little young and the lyrics were too ....how to say it? mmm were too sincere, but I liked that way. I was very lonely when I was young, and if you do not learn by yourself that out there, there is someone like you that it feels exactly like you and that you are not alone in your thoughts. No one is going to teach you. That is why I like linkin park because it made me feel like I was not alone when I thought that I was alone. I think is an energic band. Linkin park has good lyrics on their songs. I like, because in some point you feel identified with the lyrics as well with the band, because they write their own songs, someway they feel like you.
You feel identified with the lyrics as well with the band, because they write their own songs, someway they feel like you. Well thank you for read. See you later!

martes, 2 de noviembre de 2010


Hi everyone!!!
This is my sixth blog and today I will write about the most important organ in our body, this is brain. The brain is an organ very complicate and delicate, this organ has many functions in our body. There are many organs that depend of brain to make their functions, is for this reason that the brain is an elemental organ for life.
There are many myths about brain, but there are not truths. Some myths are:
- The brain is different in the animals. This myth is not truth, the parts of brain are the same in all animals.
- The human only use 10% of capacity of brain. This myth is not truth, the human use 100% of capacity of brain.
This are some of the myths of brain, but the brain is an organ very most complicated. The brain can be described in functional areas (someone controlled the information perceived by the eye, other the information perceive by the ear, etc) and all the areas are linked to permit the production and comprehension of the language.
People with problems in their brains, have some areas useless because of the “trauma”. But the brain has an extraordinary plasticity, its means that the neurons are able to replace the neuron’s networks that were destroyed and reconfigure the networks to overcome the defect, that is to say, the brain can be recovered.
Well, there are many myths of brain, but this is not truth. I think that the brain is an organ very important, because thank to our brain we can do all thinks of the diary life (to walk, to talk, to eat, etc).

sábado, 23 de octubre de 2010

Should we be worried about early puberty?

This is my fifth blog and in this opportunity I will write a summary about a medicine article of the interesting magazine called The Guardian.
The article is: Should we be worried about early puberty? and the link of it is http://www.guardian.co.uk/lifeandstyle/2010/oct/19/worried-about-early-puberty
I choose this article because I considered that this topic is very important in the teenage and also because the changes that suffer the adolescents are very hard mainly the psychological changes.
The article talks about the arrive early puberty and the changes that occur at biological level, psychological and social. The average age for the onset of puberty is 10.25 years in girls, and 11.5 years in boys. The interesting of this article is that in girls, the puberty came about nine months earlier. When arrive the puberty in the teenage, many parents go to the specialists to ask about changes in the puberty, like the menarche in girls or the increase in testicular size.
As Hindmarsh explains, "The age of sexual maturation is highly adaptable. The drive to continue the species is so strong that we have evolved a system that is extremely sensitive to change. If there's even a hint of change, or circumstances that might threaten the drive to procreate, then the hormone system is designed to adapt to that to create the circumstances most likely to result in offspring." In other words he says that the age of puberty is adaptable to the circumstances that the person lives.
In this article appears detailed the most common causes of the earlier puberty some of this causes are a link between exposure to artificial light and TV screens and early puberty, and another connected early puberty to weak maternal bonding.
I think that is very interesting, because in the future as midwives we will work with many young people and we have to know some aspects that are specific of puberty.

martes, 5 de octubre de 2010


This is my fourth blog and I will talk about stress. The stress is a physiology phenomenon that occurs when the demands of life are perceived too difficult. Stress is the body's response to external conditions that disrupt the emotional balance of the individual. In this reaction, involving almost all organs and body functions, including brain, nerves, heart, blood flow, hormone levels, digestion and muscle function. Stress is a normal reaction of the lives of people of all ages. It is produced by the body's instinct to protect the physical or emotional or in extreme danger situations. " The physiological result of this process is a desire to flee from the situation that causes or violent confrontations.
Stress is caused by the body's instinct to protect himself "this instinct is good in emergencies, but if this continues for long periods may cause physical symptoms that can damage our body. Any event that generates an emotional response can cause stress. This includes both positive situations (birth of a child, marriage) and negative (job loss, death of a relative). Stress also arises from minor irritations, such as waiting too long in a queue or in traffic. Situations that cause stress in a person may be insignificant to another.


Stress affects all organs and body functions. The most common symptoms are

Depression or anxiety
Sexual dysfunction
Rapid heartbeat

How to deal with stress?
- Avoid stressful situation
- Avoid extremes
- Set realistic goals
- Manage how stress affects you
- Change how you see the situation
- Sleep
- Exercise
- Take control of the situation

martes, 14 de septiembre de 2010


This is my third blog and I will talk about Levonorgestrel. The Levonorgestrel is a contraceptive drug used for prevent pregnancy. The debate over preovulatory and postovulatory effects of levonorgestrel in emergency contraception seems endless.
The doctor Carlos Valenzuela´s speech was very interesting, because it is a polemic topic today and a debate endless between the church and the scientific society. Also this topic is very important for me, because it has directly related with my career and my future professional as midwifery. In the future I will have that attend to woman for different reasons and one of these reasons will be the family planning programs.
In the family planning programs my work as midwifery is give information about the different alternatives of drug contraceptives and method anticonceptive. In this point is important the doctor Carlos Valenzuela´s speech that talk about the Levonorgestrol as a drug emergency contraception discarding its abortive action.
The paper of the doctor Carlos Valenzuela about postovulatory effects of Levonorgestrel in emergency contraception it is not very clear as the speech about the same subject. I understood better the research paper, because the speech of Doctor Carlos Venezuela was clear and simple, also he made graphics on the board and showed others similar investigations.
The point of view of the doctor Valenzuela is that the Levonorgestrel is not abortive, because this pill has no effect on embryo implantation in the uterus. The Levonorgestrel stop the cycle of the embryo in the Fallopian Tubes and of this way prevents a pregnancy.

lunes, 6 de septiembre de 2010

Valdivia town =)

This is my second blog and in this opportunity the subject of blog is free. So, I will write about my last holiday with my family in the south of Chile specifically in Valdivia city.
We travelled in a bus to the Valdivia city, the bus take 6 hours in arrived to the place. We travelled in the night to arrive in the morning. We were in cousin´s house and after we rented house in the center of Valdivia city.
Valdivia city is a historic place and today there are very places that remember battles and wars lived in other times. In these historic places you will found museums, many parks, typical foods, crafts and beautiful places with abundant nature, lakes and rivers. If you visit Valdivia city you will be able see the marine animals in the street and you will be able take pictures. Also if you visited Valdivia city, you would find the best beer of Chile called “kunstmann” and you would assist to “the feast of the beer”. In February you can enjoy of the “Valdivia week”, in this week there are different activities as concerts, theater, fairs of typical foods and crafts and fireworks in the last day of week.
The people that live in Valdivia city are very nice and cheerful. The principal economic activity in this city is the fishing and tourism.
If you travelled to Valdivia city, you would visit many historic places and you would eat many typical foods.
See you.